Thursday, July 29, 2010

Snippets from a Dead Relation's Diary

She was paralyzed by polio as a young girl. She had to wear leg braces and use either crutches or a walker to walk from that point forward. As I heard in a fairytale version of her illness, she was playing near a stagnant pond when it happened: She became very tired while wading in the water to catch a frog, fell asleep on the pond's edge, and could no longer walk when she woke up. From that point on she rarely left the house. She did, however, occasionally go on small errands without help. One of my earliest memories is of visiting her with my father. When we arrived at her house she was in the front yard picking dandelion leaves for a salad.

Of course, her low state of mobility left her unfit for marriage. She eventually lived alone and supported herself by sewing, stitching, and embroidery work. With no children to take it, I ended up with her diary after her death in the 1990's.

Quoting from the diary:



Jan. 1: A man, our first company
that’s good luck. G. St. Fair cold windy

Jan. 6. Finished the 13 hand’kys. send
them. Was glad I finished.

Jan. 11. The 13 unlucky hand’kys came
back today, because I had a small
written slip in it. Will keep them
to get my moneys worth but .I
feel lighter now that I need not
do any more eye straining
work on more hand’kys.
Not enough cash in that work.

Jan. 12. Still melting but windy.
Took the Xmas tree down yes-
terday. The same work to do

Jan. 13 – I baked my first cake in
this year. “Devilsfood.” cloudy &
a little colder. Finished my 3th
butterfly today. G. H. here this morning
on business. cake turned good
Got a letter from the girls.
Baked 3 rye breads. Churned


Jan. 14. Washed my hair. Dusted &
sweep. Fogy & muddy. Pa. got two
pigs. Wish my hair would
always stay like after they
are washed.

Jan 15 – Sun. passes like always
never a change. I crochet in
the afternoon & read in the eve-
ning. Mr. Mrs B. were here
in evening. I am trying to
play the harmoica but it
takes long to learn. Hope I
will be able to put some
tune in it soon. cloudy & colder.

Jan 16. A little snow last
night. cloudy. A card fromet.

Jan.17. cold windy & the sun is
shining. Washed today. Invited to
suprise stripping party on J.
S. Got Sears new Sring & Summer




by Grace Noll Crowell

God make me brave for Life–
Oh, braver than this!
Let me straighten after pain
As a tree straightens after the rain
Shining and lovely again.

God make me brave for Life–
Oh, braver than this!
As the blown grass lifts, let me rise
From sorrow, with quiet eyes,
Knowing Thy way is wise.

God make me brave – Life brings
Such blinding things.
Help me to keep my sight,
Help me to see aright
That out of the dark – comes Light.



but David was first, after all. It
of triumph. “I’ve – won – Edda”

he village, Harriet? There’s that blue
l we’re short of, and Aunt Clare’s
hday coming ever so soon. I shan’t be
inute – really!”
urely the sunlight had lent her courage.
had never asked such a thing before.
seus – in the shape of nature – was
ely breaking Andromeda’s chains.
Harriet’s deep-drawn sigh shivered the
like glass. “Oh, well!-- Yes, I sup-
e so! And bring in a paper, Edda – a
ure paper! It’s years since I saw any


catalogue of all the nice things.
Wonder what new things I’ll
get? I baked the cake for the party
Jan. 18. Sun is shining & seems
like spring. Party was large
last night. Eatables were
hardly touched. I ironed clothes
this forenoon and mended them
this p.m. Made my bed just now.
The story “Blazing Horizon” ended
yesterday & the new story “Canary Murder”
started today.

Jan. 19 – It looked so beautiful
when it started to snow this
morning just covered the ground
and then stopped it is still cloudy
and windy. It is slowly melting.
I wonder if the dream I dreamt
last night will come true it
be good if it partly would, and
better still “all.” We got “Wards
catalogue. good styles and
many other things in it


that would be nice to have.
but are out of reach. Ma & Pa
are still working in the woods.
I am baking wheat & rye bread
today. I did not sweep the
floor this morning yet but
will in a short while. I
think I will call you “D”
I started to read “The Keeper
of the Bees” last night.
a cold bitter wind started
this afternoon. drifted a lot.

Jan. 20 – If was so cold all
day nearly zero. We got a letter
from the girls today. Sis still
on her place. Sun was shining:
I finished my fourth butterfly
motif & washed the linen to
the blue prints but now I have
the best part to do.

Jan. 21 – Sun is shining &
still so cold. Did the


same house cleaning. I am
keeping a record of some of my
dreams to see if they will come
true. “The Keeper of the Bees”
is very interesting but “Little
Women” is still more interesting.

Jan 22. The sun was shining
but it was a little warmer.
I got the linen ready to hem -
stitch. We had no company

Jan 23: Weather same as yesterday
A. K was here and nearly talked
till dinner. Started hemstitch-

Jan 24 – Snowed some. Colder.

Jan 25 – Cold but sunny. Pa went
to the mill. The stories “Silver Slippers”
& Garden Oats” are good, they run
in the good Housekeeping now.
We got it yesterday. I have been
useing Epsom salts to was my
face in the evening for about a
week and it seems to help. “It
must because I want to look
my best now and not wait


because I don’t want to wait.
If other girls can have their
beauty when they are young
I do to.

Jan 26 Today I and Winnie start-
ed to take yeast Foam it’s also
to help clear our complexion.
“O”D.” I am hoping with all
my might that it will.

Jan. 27. Pa paid taxes today at
jergensen. D. today I didn’t do
no hemstitching I made a pond
Lily but it did not turn out

Jan 28. Today is cleaning day
again the week gos so fast.
This morning it was 10o below
zero. I finished “The Keeper of the
Bees” this evening. It was real
good at the end.

Jan 29. It was again so cold &
the sun shone to. I gave my feet
a bath yesterday too. Did quiet
a little hemstitching today.


Jan 30 – Still so cold. I finished
hemstitching my table center today
now to put the butterflies on the
corners. Ma is making a rag
rug she as not been feeling
well for a few days. Baked
a fruit cake to-day.

Jan 31: cold and cloudy. I sewed
the butterflies on ready to button
hole them on & did some of that to.
I have not been able to write
anything very nice this month
D but hope in the fallowing one
I will do better and be able
to write better things.

Feb. 1. Sunny cold. drifting.
Baking rye bread. Pa was to
school met G. H. on the way and
made a day of it. We washed.

Feb. 2 = cloudy. Ma went but to
work again stayed in doors
so long. Pa to the mill. I
hope to finish buttonholeing




Winifred also was there 2 months


Mar 5. O**nele Albert died today

May 20 Pa, I, Winnie & Earl drove
to Columbus in our buick .
Our car broke down going to
Madison. Winie & Earl went home
Sunday. Pa, I & Aunt Lizzie
Wednesday. Stayed four days to long


Jan. Shirley has been in Evenston
since to first of Sept.

Feb. 3 Grandpa Died.

Feb. 6. His funeral was today.

Mar. 22. Sister Adelia had
prematured twins.

April 9. I stayed at Adelia’s
two weeks.

May. Winnifred is engaged to
Darenee J.
June 13 – 24. Uncle Gus, Aunt
Hattie & Ralph, Mr & Mrs Harman
Born & daughter were here from N. D.


Sept 14 – Winifred was married.

Sept 27 – 30 – Earl was to see Worlds fair.

June 29 – 1934
Adelia & Fred have a baby girl.

Oct 14 – Carl & Pa went to North Dak.
for a week. Cousin Emma’s funeral.


June 9. One year ago Pa, Shirley,
myself and cousin Martha Fass
left for North Dak.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

An Aborted Letter to a Relative in Trouble (Circa 2008)

I am writing to you now not as my niece, but as a young girl who reminds me of my aging and what I think I learned in the process. Now, sitting here in my basement apartment, I acknowledge that I am only 30 (or 31 – can’t remember at the moment) and hopefully am far from mature. But perhaps all the better – I left your age not so long ago. And, despite my twenties with their ridiculous half aborted love affairs and job worries, my early teenage years – the years you are fitfully exiting now – leave the greatest impression in my mind. I made decisions then I’ve been coasting on ever since. Decisions made in relative ignorance that were, frankly, more a product of luck and blind rebellion than foresight. I would like you to make your decisions with better information.

I certainly want to impart you with any wisdom I may have to give. But this is also a blatant attempt to convince you that you are loved. I have difficulty understanding intellectually that being loved should make a difference, but I understand, personally, that it does. I have experienced deep and persistent belief in the impossibility of my worth. And, despite the fact that this should not matter – that I firmly believe we have a responsibility to be productive and useful no matter what our emotional state – I acknowledge that attempting to work in loveless circumstances is crushing and often futile. But you now have physical evidence that you are loved – this letter is written for you out of love.

When you were a baby I often stayed with you so your mother could sleep. You had fits and cried often, but I was usually able to comfort you until she woke up. You were my first experience with a new, demanding life. Thank you.


I want to write to you now about your mother. And I point out that I am qualified. I also know her as a mother – I am as much your brother as your uncle. Until the age of 6 or 7 she lived with me as a second mother. And although she wasn’t really my mother, it was pretended and believed. I recall your uncle D. and I being her children in countryside bars. She was joking, but me, D., and the bartenders believed her well enough. At home it was the same. Whenever your grandmother was busy your mother would fill in.

Because she was my mother too I understand your interest in her. When you were younger you would ask us about her, curious about everything. It reminded me of my own childhood. On many occasions I recall hiding near the entrance of our house waiting for her to get back from her many dates. She was beautiful and always out.

I would climb

Friday, July 2, 2010

LOT Polish Airlines: An Object Lesson in Efficiency and Customer Service

On June 5, 2010 LOT flight 007 from New York's JFK airport to Warsaw was scheduled to begin boarding at 5:30 pm. Around the scheduled boarding time an announcement was made that the flight would be delayed. At 6:00 pm the status was updated – passengers were to expect additional information on the flight status in another 30 minutes. There was no announcement at 6:30 pm, but around 7:00 pm we were told that there was a technical difficulty with the airplane, and that we would be updated in an additional hour. These once-hourly delays continued for about 3 more hours during which time we were not offered any water, food, telephone calls, e-mails, or reliable information. Finally, at about 10 pm, a new and more concrete announcement was made letting us know that the flight would leave at 11:55 pm.

As my wife and I now had about two hours before departure and had not had anything to eat or drink since lunch, we decided we would go buy something for dinner after the 10 pm status update. We weren't away from the gate for more than 40 minutes. However, upon returning to the gate we found it empty. There had been no announcements! Furthermore, there was no information about our flight at either the gate or at the common departures board. Fortunately, while attempting to find out what happened to our flight we passed by a group of familiar faces (from the previous 4 and a half hours of shared waiting). The other passengers for our Warsaw flight were waiting at a new gate (Gate 23). Again, if we had not happened to recognize some of the other passengers by chance, we would have never found this out since no announcements were ever made!

Things only got worse. As it turned out, Gate 23 had no loud speakers (or so we were told at least – a flight to Spain at the gate right next to ours was making announcements in the usual manner). Thus, the LOT staff proceeded to make additional announcements by having what appeared to be their youngest and most inexperienced staff member stand in the middle of the roughly 200 flight 007 passengers and attempt to talk over the crowd. The young staffer didn't speak nearly loudly enough, nor did she or any of her coworkers make any attempt to stand on a chair, find a megaphone, or do anything else to establish any aspect of authority and visibility. Worst of all, some of the announcements were only made in Polish! Friendly passengers had to translate for everyone else. Understandably, some passengers -- many of whom were traveling with babies and small children -- began to get frustrated. The entire LOT staff, except for one young gentleman, seemed like they had no experience whatsoever in handling a situation like this. They were incapable of restoring order within the increasingly irritable passengers and generally appeared both flustered and confused about how to handle the situation.

During this entire period of time (from 5:30 pm until almost midnight) nothing was offered to the passengers, not even water. There was a 16 year old girl traveling by herself who had diabetes and was on an insulin pump. Her cell phone had run out of batteries and she could not make a call to her parents to let them know her situation. I lent her my cell phone, but what if she had not asked me? The very least the LOT staff could have done would be to give people a way to call loved ones, friends, coworkers, etc.

Due to the staff's mismanagement of the crowd and the inability of most travelers to hear what small amounts of information the staff did attempt to give out, a few passengers became restless and began to yell at the employees. Instead of taking charge of the situation and giving clear and concrete details about the flight status, anticipated delay times, etc., around midnight the LOT staff instead began to take passengers' boarding passes and then send them down an escalator into another group of (the previously mentioned) passengers boarding a flight to Spain. It was very crowded and somewhat difficult to exit the escalator without being dumped on top of other passengers already waiting below. This all seemed extremely unsafe – thankfully no accidents occurred.

After getting downstairs we noticed that there was not only still no water, but also no restrooms there. The LOT 007 passengers were held in this condition for an additional hour. Eventually it became clear that we had been sent down to this pre-boarding area more as a means to keep the increasingly angry passengers out of the main terminal than to actually get them onto the airplane. Again, no announcements were given until a single employee told us we should come back up to the main terminal again (now without valid boarding passes). The next day we learned that some of the passengers were even boarded on a bus to the plane only to be turned back after having to wait in the bus for about an hour.

Upon returning to Gate 23 in the terminal once again, we were told we would be given hotel rooms because the flight was officially canceled and rescheduled for the next day at 2 pm (the time was now after midnight). No alternative flights or refunds were offered! No phone calls, e-mail access, or other communication methods were offered either. I had no way of informing my coworkers in Europe that I was now surly going to miss the first day of the conference I was traveling to attend.

The passengers wanting a hotel were asked to let the staff know. The hotel request process was done by a single staff member who answered the phone and checked peoples' names from a printed out list while four of her LOT coworkers stood behind the counter and looked confused. Of course, no order was maintained and people crowded in front the counter to try to hear and register. This terribly organized process went on for about half an hour. At approximately 12:30 AM, June 6, we were told to go back out through security to catch a bus to a hotel. Upstairs, however we had to go through an almost identical hotel request process over again with one of five employees distributing people to hotel rooms (while the other four employed talked, joked, and played with their cell phones nearby).

Upon arriving at the designated bus pickup sight, we waited an additional 2 hours for a bus. Finally, at approximately 2:30 am, two buses arrived to take us to a Holiday Inn. The buses did not have enough room for all the passengers, so many of us had to stand in the isles between the seats (these were not city buses – there was nothing to hang onto). At approximately 3 am, after one of the buses attempted to leave passengers at the wrong hotel, everyone had finally arrived at the designated Holiday Inn somewhere in Brooklyn. It took an additional hour for us to actually get into our room.

My wife and I were placed in a room with the previously mentioned 16 year old girl who was traveling alone – quite scared and extremely exhausted, and another man who was also traveling alone. We decided to split the beds up by gender, so I slept with the solo male traveler while my wife slept next to the 16 year old girl (after calling her father – with our own phone – to explain the situation). Needless to say, this situation was highly uncomfortable, and both my wife and I slept in our clothing. The legal ramifications of leaving a minor alone in a room with several strange adults aside, I would like to emphasize the general point that leaving minors in hotel rooms with total strangers is unacceptable.

The next morning we awoke from our highly uncomfortable slumber to learn that buses had been scheduled to pick us up at the hotel and take us back to the airport at 11:00 am. At 11:15 am two buses arrived at the hotel. Unfortunately, as the night before, the two buses were too small to hold all the passengers. However, this time the bus drivers refused to break the law by letting us pack an extra 30 people into the isles. Instead, these 30 individuals – including my wife and myself – were left behind after extracting a promise from one of the bus drivers that he would come back for us. He never came back. More than an hour and a half later we were still waiting at the hotel. It took a polish speaking passenger repeatedly calling LOT to have anther bus scheduled to come pick us up. In the mean time, scared of missing the 2 pm flight, about 10 passengers used their own money to take cabs to the airport. Around 2 pm the last 'bus' finally arrived to take the remaining 17 passengers to the airport. Unfortunately, it was not a bus at all, but a large van which could seat 10. Thankfully, however, the driver allowed all 17 of us to squeeze in. My wife and I shared the front passenger seat. At one point my wife had to bend down and hide herself as we drove past a police officer on the freeway. However, we were simply thankful to have a chance to possibly catch the flight.

When we arrived at the airport about 2:30 pm we were chastised by a LOT employee for holding up the flight! Rushed through security, we finally arrived at our plane nearly a day after the originally scheduled boarding time. Of course, in true LOT style, we did not leave immediately thereafter. Instead we spent another nearly 3 hours on the runway waiting for the plane to be filled up with gas before taking off. Why the flight had not been filled up with gas before the new 2 pm departure time is beyond me. During this entire period of waiting for the bus, getting to the airport, and waiting for refueling we were offered no food, water, phone calls, or anything else. In fact, my wife had to argue with a LOT staff member to get the poor 16 year old girl with diabetes given some water and a snack!

I would like to conclude by telling you that this letter was written during a delay of our return flight to the US (LOT flight 003 from Warsaw to Chicago). The delay was ultimately 3.5 hours long, causing us to miss our connecting flight in Chicago. We had to stay over night again...